Webring Rules and Application
All webring application should be sent to cohostwebring@proton.me. I check the email about once a week. I will send you an email back when you have been added to the directory with the code for you to add to your own website.
- 1.) You must have been a member of cohost.org. It does not matter when you joined or how active you were, as long as you were a part of the site
- 2.) You must have a website, not just a links/"where to find me" page. If you are unsure if your website counts, please send an email
- 3.) If your website contains adult content, violence/gore, flashing images, and the like, please have a splash page warning potential viewers
- Website link:
- Name(s)/Alias:
- Cohost username:
- (optional) An 88x31 button:
- A short description of your site:
If you need to update or remove your site info, please send an email!
After you have sent in your application, you can add this code to somewhere on your website! It will not be activated until we email you back confirming you have been added to the ring.
<div id="cohostorg">
Thank you to Karma Chameleon for helping provide come css styling!

What is this?
A CoHost webring.
What is an "webring"?"A webring (or web ring) is a collection of websites linked together in a circular structure, and usually organized around a specific theme, often educational or social."
How can I join?<---- look here to join using the listed format.
Is this associated with CoHost?This project for current users of the website but not related to the website itself!