Chat News Web Ring


Automated and Improved - 9/13/24

Updated the form to include user icons, link format, and (optional) contact email for when CoHost. At this time, I don't anticpate any more changes to the form.
Finished the HTML generator so adding people to site is now almost completely automated. With that, much of the foundational work for this website has been completed!
Also, important note at time of writing this we have 80+ eggbugs on here! If you haven't yet be sure to check out at least one other wonderful person on here.

Automating the Form! - 9/10/24

More people were interested than I intially anticipated, so I moved to google forms to automate the static html generation. Please give till the 14th to implement (and if you have any suggestions let me know).

In the meantime, CHECK OUT OTHERS' STUFF both those on the website and those on the post still waiting to be implemented. There were so many cool websites and socials shared, I can't wait to look into all of them more once everyone is up and running!

CoHost is Shutting Down, So Now There's This! - 9/10/24

Fully explained here, Co-Host is shutting down. So set up to keep part of the community together!

What is this?

An "internet highway" of CoHost accounts in order to maintain some of the community after the websites closing.

What is an "internet highway"?

A public listing of websites, blogs, or alternative social media accounts linking people together similarly to a highway.

How can I join?

Reply under this post to join using the listed format.

Is this associated with CoHost?

This project for current users of the website but not related to the website itself!